Frequently Asked Questions
1. Do these Dispensers lock? Are they tamperproof?
Dispenser Amenities™ only sells locking tamper-resistant dispensers.
Guests cannot open the Dispenser.
2. Is there a warranty?
There is a two-year warranty on all our Dispensers from manufacturing defects.
The pump(s) are guaranteed for life (except SOLera). Learn more
3. Do they drip or clog or leak?
Our products are guaranteed for life not to clog or leak. Should you have any issues call or contact us, and we will be pleased to send you a new pump and valve at no charge.
4. What if a unit breaks or housekeeping staff misplaces a button, are there parts or do I have to purchase a new unit?
There are replacement parts for all our Dispensers at a very nominal cost. You should never have to replace a whole unit but just replace a part.
5. How do they install on the wall?
Every Dispenser comes complete with an installation kit with silicone and double-faced tape, and amenity labels and keys. The preferred method of installation is with the silicone adhesive. The tape tabs are included to hold the units in place while the silicone cures. The tape tabs are not strong enough to hold the full weight of the filled dispensers so you must use the silicone. The silicone cures in 24 hours. You can view a video for installation here or go to the installation page for details. There are holes in the back plates should you decide that you would rather screw them to the walls, but this is not required or recommended.
6. Where do we put them in the shower?
Ideally the units should be installed either on the back wall or the side wall of the shower enclosure, not under the shower head. The reason for this is that the guest will not be facing the shower as they choose their liquids.
7. What if I want to move them when we renovate?
The Dispensers can be removed from the shower wall without any damage. You simply take a sharp knife run it down the back of the unit, between the shower wall and dispenser back plate, cutting the silicone bond. Once you have done that, you can pull the unit from the wall. You can clean off excess silicone on the wall with a razor blade and any residue with paint thinner.
8. Can we customize our Dispensers?
Yes, this is a wonderful way to enhance your guests’ experience. Custom labels can be made to identify your liquids and/or your property message. Contact us, we’d be happy to help get you started.
9. Can we continue to work with our own liquids supplier?
Yes, the Dispensers can work with any liquid products on the market. We make several superior liquid selections, however you can continue your relationship with your current suppliers for liquids if you would like to.
10. What would be my return on my investment?
This all depends on which units you install and your occupancy rate. The average hotel would see return anywhere from two to nine months. You can calculate your cost and waste savings here.