About Us
Ian B. Wallace, Owner and President of Dispenser Amenities™
Our Journey with the Nature Conservancy of Canada and Pelee Island

Dispenser Amenities™ supports the Nature Conservancy of Canada Lands on Pelee Island.
Where is Pelee Island?
Pelee Island, Ontario, Canada, is an island in the western half of Lake Erie.
Pelee Island is connected to the Canadian and American mainland by ferry service.
Pelee Island is the largest island in Lake Erie and the southernmost populated point in Canada.

Why is it special?
Pelee Island is one of Ontario’s most significant botanical sites. The island provides a habitat for a variety of species at risk, from flora to fauna, insects, snails, mammals, birds and reptiles.
Pelee Island is situated on two major migratory bird routes, the Atlantic Flyway and the Mississippi Flyway. This little island provides a safe resting place for the migratory birds as they make their way across Lake Erie to their northern nesting grounds. The island has also been designated a globally Important bird area by Bird Life International, Canadian Nature Federation and Bird Studies Canada.
Pelee Island is also the year-round home to some very special islanders who can only leave their Island by air in the winter.
Pelee Island, One of Canada’s Best Kept Secrets!
What we do!
With the Nature Conservancy we are proud to be able to support their work in keeping Pelee Island such a special place.
You and your continued support of our products helps with this commitment. To all of you thank you!
Our NEWEST Project!
Salamanders and why we love them!

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