people standing on bow of boat looking at polar bear national geographic endeavour dispensers in foreground dispenser amenities

Lindblad Expeditions to be Featured on Jeopardy

Our customers at Lindblad Expeditions have landed a new primetime television partner – Jeopardy!  From January 20 – 24 and 27 – 31 viewers who have watched the show will be encouraged to visit and answer a question about final Jeopardy for a chance to win an expedition aboard a Lindblad every day that the sweepstakes is active.

Jeopardy is not the first television giant to partner with Lindblad Expeditions.  In 2004 Lindblad partnered with National Geographic.  This partnership provides writers, photographers, researchers, and other staff from National Geographic an excellent way to travel to the exotic places their work directs them while at the same time providing travelers who choose Lindblad ships the opportunity to learn from and interact with some of the most knowledgeable naturalists in the world.  Lindblad currently had 6 ships in its fleet named after National Geographic:  The National Geographic Orion, The National Geographic Explorer, The National Geographic Endeavour, The National Geographic Islander, The National Geographic Sea Bird, and the National Geographic Sea Lion.

Dispenser Amenities products have been in use on Lindblad’s National Geographic ships throughout the world for over a decade.  By using AVIVA Dispensers for their stateroom amenities Lindblad is able to offer their passengers high quality shower liquids without creating waste.

We are certainly looking forward to seeing one of our favorite partners be featured on Jeopardy and will definitely be tuning into the show for the contest.  Whoever the lucky winners turn out to be, the Dispenser amenities folks will be watching what happens with travel envy!

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